By accessing this website and any content within it, you expressly acknowledge and agree that this is NOT an investment product, security, or financial instrument of any kind. This is purely for entertainment and humor purposes.
The content provided herein is strictly for entertainment and educational purposes only. Nothing contained on this website, in our videos, social media posts, or any other communications constitutes financial advice, investment advice, trading advice, or any other form of recommendation or guidance. We are not financial advisors, investment advisors, or registered brokers.
Cryptocurrency investments, including POORGUY token, are HIGHLY RISKY and HIGHLY SPECULATIVE. You should expect and be prepared for your entire investment to go to ZERO. Never invest money you cannot afford to lose completely. Cryptocurrency markets are unregulated in most jurisdictions and provide NO PROTECTION to investors.
We make absolutely no guarantees or promises about:
By purchasing POORGUY token or following any information provided here, you agree to waive any and all claims against us, our team members, partners, and affiliates. You accept full responsibility for any and all trading, investment, or other decisions you make.
It is imperative that you conduct your own due diligence and research before making any investment decisions. The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile and subject to:
Any references to past trading performance or token price history are not indicative of future results. Historical success does not guarantee future performance.